Postdoctoral and graduate student positions available

The University of Winnipeg Experimental Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics Group invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of neurological and molecular imaging. The position is subject to funding. The department also has openings for students in the MSc program in Bioscience, Technology & Public Policy and PhD and MSc programs in Physics or Pharmacology . Research projects are designed to optimize existing techniques and create new techniques to image and follow the physiological changes associated with central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Multiple Sclerosis.


Experiments are performed on the 7 T MRI scanner at the Health Sciences Centre, a 10-minute walk from University of Winnipeg and on the 11.7 T And 7 T MRI scanners at the National Research Council Canada Institute for Biodiagnostics, located across the street from University of Winnipeg. Experiments are done in collaboration with groups in Canada and the US.


We are currently accepting applications for postdoctoral positions. A PhD in physics, engineering or biomedical sciences is required. Experience with Bruker scanners is preferred. Applications, including a CV and names of three references should be sent to:


Professor Melanie Martin

Department of Physics

University of Winnipeg

515 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB

R3B 2E9




We are currently accepting applications for students for the MSc program in BioScience, Technology & Public Policy at University of Winnipeg and for MSc or PhD programs in Physics and Pharmacology through the University of Manitoba. Please contact Prof. Melanie Martin for more information.


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